MIRAI (未來)
(Manufacturing Institute for Research on Advanced Initiatives)
Pan-Pacific Manufacturing Research Institute
MIRAI will serve to raise the importance of manufacturing, provide efficient research environment for manufacturing technology, and attract good engineers through various educational tools with following objectives.
  1. To create a framework for collaborative research and education on the substantial issue facing sustainable manufacturing.
  2. To explore future manufacturing agenda, setup initiatives leading manufacturing society, and establish manufacturing research projects on advanced topics.
Future agenda for manufacturing
  1. Sustainability
  2. Energy
  3. Environment protection
  4. High mix/high volume
  5. Multi-scale manufacturing (fusion)
        Upcoming events
    When: 1/26/2007
    Where: Paris, France
MIRAI Secretariat
5114 Etcheverry Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-1740, USA
TEL: +1-510-643-4439
FAX: +1-510-643-5599